Hey there everybody,
As many of you know, one of the final stretch goals for Worldbuilders was a book three Q&A.
Generally speaking, I avoid talking about book three for the simple reason that when I do, a disproportionate number of people start whining at me about how it isn’t out yet. Shockingly, that’s not something I particularly enjoy. Hence my silence.
The other problem is that I’ve answered people’s questions about book three in the past. Done interviews and written blog posts. And you know what happens? Two days later people ask me the very same questions. The result is that I end up irritated, exasperated, and feeling like the whole thing was a waste of time.
So again. Silence.
Still, people *have* been asking for some time. So I was happy to offer it up as incentive to help Worldbuilders hit $2 million in donations.
Scheduling was difficult after the fundraiser, as I had a few unexpected trips to LA this month to talk about Hollywood stuff. But now we have a date for the Q&A: Friday, February 3rd from 3pm to 5pm Central Time, live on my Twitch channel.
(If you head over there now, follow the channel, and set notifications to “on” you’ll get an e-mail when my streams go live.)
If you have a Twitch account, you’ll be able to participate in the chat. If not, you can submit questions via the form below.
(If you want to share the link to the form elsewhere feel free, the link is right here)
I’ll take questions from the chat as well, but if our turnout is good the chat will be lively, and there’s a fair chance that your question will scroll off the screen before I can see it. And yes, we’ll be putting the chat in slow mode so you people can’t spam your question over and over. So if you *really* want your question answered, your best bet is to fill out the form.
Now, for those of you who have never done a live Q&A with me before, someone at PAX South recently suggested that my Q&A’s should more appropriately be called “Questions and Anecdotes.”
This is very true. People ask questions, and I tell a story. It’s usually somewhat related, but by the time I’m done telling it it’s possible I won’t remember what the original question was. The same will likely be true for this Q&A.
A few facts about the Q&A:
- I will be accepting questions on other subjects, too.
Like some of the Hollywood stuff that’s been going on. I know everyone’s curious about that.
That said, I’ll be giving questions about book three, the revision process, etc, priority.
- It will be spoiler-free. (In regard to book three.)
I’m not going to be spilling any secrets about what’s coming up. Anyone who knows anything about me knows better than that.
- The twitch chat might NOT be spoiler free.
The questions and comments people ask in there might contain information about the first two books. Not to mention speculation about upcoming books. So if you’re vehemently anti-spoiler, you might want to just watch the video and skip the chat.
- There is no release date yet.
If there were, I would already have told you. Serious people. Why would I sit on that news?
So yeah. Submit your questions and tune in for the show. I plan on drinking a bunch of coffee beforehand, so it should be a good time.
See you soon,